Meetthowãakun / Food

Thuneetkwuxith / Doughnut

Sookteetkwuxith / Cupcake

Tkwuxith / Bun or muffin

All bread-y items are considered Animate Objects in Mohican. When given a choice, use (animate) phrases when referring to bread.

Mnoʔaawãakun / Drink

Kopeʔth / Coffee

Cheʔnith / Tea

Mbey / Water

Sooktãapow / Soda

Neʔãam nthooknimin sookit? / Should I pour sugar in it?

Neʔãam nthooknimin mnik? / Should I pour milk in it?

All the liquid items here are considered Inanimate Objects in Mohican. When given a choice, use (inanimate) phrases when referring to liquid.

What do you want?

Kaakway ktãayãatum? / What do you want?

Kaakway ktãayãatumeʔmã? / What do you all want?

…… ndãayãanaw. / I would like …… (animate).

…… ndãayãatum. / I would like …… (inanimate).

Ktãayãatum ktukun? / Do you want anything else?

Nun ne. / No, that’s it.

Placing an order at the counter

Kiyaʔãam knãʔtumãan? / Can I help you?

Kopeʔth wãak tkwuxith meeneʔ. / I’d like a coffee and a muffin.

Thuneetkwuxith wãak nãanaʔ. / Get me a doughnut too (animate).

Mbey wãak nãataʔ. / Get me a water too (inanimate).


Tãan otinãawuteen na? / How much does that cost (animate)?

Tãan nãawutow ni? / How much does that cost (inanimate)?

If you’re talking about a group of items where some of them are animate (bread) and others are inanimate (water), use the Animate phrases.

Ngwotãas txinaʔ theembit nãawutow. / That costs six dollars

Noʔo nun mdunit txinaʔ theembit. / Here is ten dollars.

Noʔo nun kaakxkeʔnãak. / Here is your change.

Nãape pãʔ! / Come again.

Theembit / Money

Paaskow theembit. / One dollar.

Neesnaʔ theembit. / Two dollars.

Nxinaʔ theembit. / Three dollars.

Naawnaʔ theembit. / Four dollars.

Nãanuninaʔ theembit. / Five dollars.

Ngwotãas txinaʔ theembit. / Six dollars.

Tãapuwãas txinaʔ theembit. / Seven dollars.

Nxãasow txinaʔ theembit. / Eight dollars.

Naaneewe txinaʔ theembit. / Nine dollars.

Mdunit txinaʔ theembit. / Ten dollars.