Peʔpootuwothut Maʔeekunew / Council Building Aat Maawe Mãayaʔnãat / Mohican Family Center Aat Waaweʔtowãakun Kxunuweʔtaamok / Library / Museum...
The Doughnut Shop
Meetthowãakun / Food Thuneetkwuxith / Doughnut Sookteetkwuxith / Cupcake Tkwuxith / Bun or muffin All bread-y items are considered...
Introducing Yourself
Greeting Kwãapunuxeen? ‘I’m glad you survived until morning’ Kwãapunuxeenhimã? ‘I’m glad you guys survived until morning’ Name...
Most colors in Mohican use the same word-form whether it’s a person, animal, plant, object, etc. Wãapaayow? ‘She/he/it is...