Most colors in Mohican use the same word-form whether it’s a person, animal, plant, object, etc.

Wãapaayow? ‘She/he/it is white’

Nthikaayow? ‘She/he/it is black’

Muxkwaayow ~ Muxkaayow? ‘She/he/it is red’

Weesãawaayow? ‘She/he/it is yellow’

Skuskwaayow? ‘She/he/it is green’

Onãawaayow? ‘She/he/it is blue’

*Weepkwaayow? ‘She/he/it is grey’

A few colors have different-shaped words depending on whether the item is animate or inanimate.

Nthikãapumokwthow? ‘She/he is brown’

Nthikãapumokwut? ‘It is brown’