Kaaxeetana’ Mã’eekanew ninãapaw otineeta’ãan nook na’ ane’nmeewak ndan che’tsisak kaakway ãayãatamak na ninãapaw aawa’aat. Kneema opotawãan, mxooksis cheenwaw, aawmãan...
Oneetaʔaaywãakun Keeseʔtãathow
Kaaxeetunaʔ une Muxutsun theepook ni Maʔeekunew ninãapaak weekeenaawã. Keʔaak skumoonun ndun topaʔkwaan. Kne neek pxaanmaak okuxunuweʔtaanaawã ni keʔãatey waachãam...
Na Oskeenow Kwoche Muxe Neemunaw
Ngwote na oskeenow “Ngutaawe kwoche muxe neemunaw,” kne otinaawã [otinãan], yuthkumeen sãapew muxe peepmãat. Kneema [maawe] peepmaw kne kaanwãʔkumaak...
Public Buildings
Peʔpootuwothut Maʔeekunew / Council Building Aat Maawe Mãayaʔnãat / Mohican Family Center Aat Waaweʔtowãakun Kxunuweʔtaamok / Library / Museum...
The Doughnut Shop
Meetthowãakun / Food Thuneetkwuxith / Doughnut Sookteetkwuxith / Cupcake Tkwuxith / Bun or muffin All bread-y items are considered...
Introducing Yourself
Greeting Kwãapunuxeen? ‘I’m glad you survived until morning’ http://www.languagegeek.com/phrasebook/uploads/Kw5apunuxeen.mp3 Kwãapunuxeenhimã? ‘I’m glad you guys survived until morning’ http://www.languagegeek.com/phrasebook/uploads/Kw5apunuxeenhim5.mp3 Name...
Most colors in Mohican use the same word-form whether it’s a person, animal, plant, object, etc. Wãapaayow? ‘She/he/it is...